Else Kramer Else Kramer

Episode 66 - How to be a brilliant autistic CEO with Maisie Hill- Part 1

My guest this week is the amazing Maisie Hill. 

I can’t even begin to list all her achievements here: she’s a master certified life coach, a menstrual cycle expert, a bestselling author and an autistic icon. 

Maisie has been a massive inspiration to me in how she shows up as the CEO of her business. We all have assumptions about what running a multiple 6-figure business looks like, and Maisie boldly defies all of these!

During this first part of our interview we dive into:

What it was like growing up as a smart kid from a council estate

How bored she got studying Nursing

How studying acupuncture gave her the perfect blend of multi-dimensional growth: knowledge, skill, travel, etc.

Her experience of writing her first book, how she found the perfect collaborators, dealt with her fear of criticism, etc.

The importance of letting experts do their thing

How being autistic influences her life and relationships

How to keep a sense of core identity when you’re constantly growing and learning new things and morphing into new incarnations of yourself

Enjoy this first part, and if, after listening, you want to learn more about Maisie’s work go straight to her website:


where you'll find out about all the amazing things she does, including her podcast, which I highly recommend. 

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Else Kramer Else Kramer

Episode 65 - The Beautiful Vision of Judith Gaton - Part 2

Welcome to the second part of my interview with the incredibly awesome and fierce, one and only, Judith Gaton.

If you haven’t heard the first part yet do not proceed - go back and listen to the previous episode first - it will make WAY more sense that way.

And if you have, I’m sure you’re dying to hear more about Judith’s vision and what she’s trying to change in the world.

We talk about all the things around being in the world with a smart mind and running a business, including:

changing the discourse around wealth

how the way you take care of yourself even in the smallest ways speaks volumes doubt how much space you take up

having social interaction plans

no longer tolerating things that are physically uncomfortable

her beautifully ambitious vision for the legacy she wants to leave

how she keeps running her business exciting and fresh

finding her own way rather than listening to other people’s advice

the importance of economics, especially for artists and other creators

Enjoy part the Second!

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Else Kramer Else Kramer

Episode 64 - The Beautiful Vision of Judith Gaton

Welcome to this interview with the amazing, inspiring, all-over-awesome Judith Gaton.

Judith is a Master-certified life coach, personal stylist, lawyer, and entrepreneur.

She's also the author of the book "How to be a F*cking Lady: A Modern Guide to Being Charming and Fierce AF" and the host of the scintillating podcast "Style Masterclass with Miss J".

She is the founder of Modern Charm School, an exclusive online social club for women who are ready to leave their mark on the world. Whether it's through style, commanding more, or creating wealth, she will be the guide you need to take your life to the next level.

Judith and I had the BEST time talking together about being 'a smart cookie' and all that entails.

In this first part of the interview, we look at her incredibly interesting career path and dive into topics like:

  • Accents and code-switching

  • Becoming a master negotiator

  • Dancing to stay sane and Judith’s Choreography projects

  • Her first degree in fashion and the importance of using different areas of your brilliant brain

  • When and when not to raise your hand when someone else makes a mistake

  • Her switch from fashion to law

  • Nervous breakdown after her mentor died 30 days into practice

  • Working with BIG attorney egos

and much, much more!

Where to find Judith:

Check out her Website

And follow her on Instagram

Resources mentioned in this Episode:

Smart People Problems - The Chameleon Complex


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Else Kramer Else Kramer

Episode 63 - Ruling the Internet with Naomi Dunford

Welcome to the second part of my marathon interview with Naomi Dunford, the founder of Ittybiz.

In this second part, you'll learn:

  • why Naomi got 1000 people to quit their day job,

  • hwy failure doesn’t exist for her

  • what it's like to be a minimalist digital nomad,

  • how for her, travel comes down to “going to a different place with better coffee and doing exactly what she does at home”

  • the joy of niching down to your perfect people

  • her very early and slightly inconveniently timed (hello Covid!) retirement

  • her beautiful philosophy of ‘Go down Giving’,

  • ADHD and time blindness

  • how to approach hiring people for your business (hint: think marriage skills)

  • running a successful business without being on social media.

And much, much more.

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Else Kramer Else Kramer

Episode 62 -Ruling the Internet with Naomi Dunford - Part 1

On this week's episode, I'm talking to Naomi Dunford, the founder of Ittybiz, and who I've been following and learning from since probably 2007.

Naomi, in addition to being incredibly smart, is Romani Canadian, a small business coach and internet marketing veteran.

As you'll learn during this conversation, she actually got 1000 people to quit their day jobs before she even turned 30.

She also has both autism and ADHD and has always been a digital nomad. Also: Naomi unschools her teenager and she flat-out refuses to use social media.

In this first part of the interview, we talk about

  • how being unemployable can be a great reason to start a business,

  • what she has learned about hiring people and how to manage them, especially with ADHD.

  • the Cheerios effect

  • the myth that if you build it, they will come.

  • how being rebellious and pissed off can actually help you create amazing products.

  • the recurring desire to be 'a proper business owner' and how this is always the WORST thing we caN do for ourselves and our business

  • And, as a bonus some stories about the early days of internet marketing.

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Else Kramer Else Kramer

Episode 61 - From ‘Compare & Despair’ to ‘Compare & Care’

Do you often compare yourself with others and feel you fall short?

Then this Episode is for you!

You'll learn what actually happens when you compare, and the steps you need to take to address it:

Lean into the feeling

Vent, express, move

Attend to yourself: what do you really need here?

Go resource yourself

Having a hard time noticing when you fall into compare & despair? Here are two massive hints:

Using the word 'should' or

'If only...'

When you want to compare & despair, you're getting data. Use those data not to make yourself feel bad, but instead, to make yourself feel better.

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Else Kramer Else Kramer

Episode 60 - ‘Dreaming Big’ vs ‘Opening up to Infinitely Exciting Possibilities’

Have you been told to 'dream bigger'?

In this Episode I explain why, despite this being a nice idea, it doesn't work for me - and how I get my brain and body to open up to endless possibilities instead.

You'll learn how to courageously, adventurously and sensuously step into your true desires to uncover what you really want and start living into that dream.

To celebrate one year of the Managing the Smart Mind Podcast I have a TON of things to share with you:

  • free coaching the subconscious sessions

  • a PDF with summaries of the first 55 Episodes

  • free workshops on Decision Making, Career Clarity and other fun topics

The only thing you need to do to join the party is to sign up for my newsletter

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Else Kramer Else Kramer

Episode 59 - A week in the life of your smart, neurodivergent coach and podcast host

In the run-up to the One-Year Anniversary of the podcast I asked you what you'd like me to talk about - and this was one of them.

What does my week look like?

How do I make things work with my unique smart mind?

Tune in to learn all about how I've organised things to do what I'm best at, and to learn how these have evolved into my personal Rules for Living:

  1. Decide as much as you can ahead of time;

  2. Switch things up to keep your brain engaged;

  3. Batch activities as much as possible;

  4. Automate or delegate ANYTHING that you’re not great at;

  5. Figure out your own ideal conditions in which you can thrive;

  6. UNDERschedule instead of overscheduling - create lots of buffer space;

  7. Do as many of the things that light you up as you possibly can;

  8. Use simple ‘prompts’ to instantly get you in the right state, e.g. perfume, music, etc.

  9. Accept your own wants, needs and desires.

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Else Kramer Else Kramer

Episode 58 - Getting Unbored with Claus Grand Bang - Part 2

Welcome to this second part of an interview I did with Associate Professor Claus Grand Bang.

If you haven't listened to part 1 yet, you definitely want to check that out first.

In this second part, we dive into the following:

what Claus learned from losing all his money;

the smart ritual he has designed to switch from work to free time

what he loves about Science Fiction

how ChatGPT and AI in generally is going to be a massive game-changer, especially for humans with smart minds

...and many other fascinating topics. Enjoy!

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Else Kramer Else Kramer

Episode 57 -Getting Unbored with Claus Grand Bang Part 1

Welcome to the second year of the podcast - and a series of interviews with inspiring smart humans.

In this Episode, I talk to Claus Grand Bang (yup, that's his real name - more about that in the podcast), who is an Associate Professor in Denmark and does things well..let's say...a bit differently!

We had so much to talk about that I divided the interview into two parts.

In this first part you'll learn more about how Claus has completely overhauled the way he teaches, what his advice is to parents of smart kids, what drives him in his work and much, much more.

We also talk about a very impactful event he experienced as an exchange student in the US which has changed the way he sees the world and his role in it.

You should definitely listen in if you want some ideas on how to create autonomy at work to pursue a more creative way of thinking and working!

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