Episode 79 - Dr. Octopus on the Power of Non-Linear Thinking

I am delighted to introduce to you, Perry Knoppert, aka Dr. Octopus

Perry is pretty hard to pin down.

He is an artist, he has worked in conventional industries.
He's lived in China and Belgium.
He's been homeless.

He has ADHD and dyslexia.

But most importantly he has founded a community I think you'll enjoy and want to join: the Octopus movement, a global network of non-linear thinkers.

By now, the network has grown to almost 3000 members from over 63 countries - and they're approaching problem-solving in unconventional and creative ways.

In this interview we cover a very wide range of topics, including :

  • parenting neurodivergent kids and fighting the school system

  • having dyslexia

  • plants, 

  • poetry

  • drugs

  • art

  • not accepting the status quo

  • mushrooms and the mycelium  

  • how to build a community and interestingly whether or not we should gate-keep it. 

  • teacher torture

  • teaching nonlinear thinking in schools, 

and all the things we would love to see differently in this world and how we can be agents for change.

I'm sure this interview with Perry aka dr. Octopus will inspire you as much as it has inspired me. 


Episode 80 - Why Productivity is Overrated (if not downright Destructive)


Episode 78 - The Rebel-Syndrome